Credit Your car is one of the biggest investments you’re likely to make. It is an essential for many of us, but people often having a hard time saving to pay upfront for a brand new car, tax and insurance all at once. That is why buying a car is one of the most… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: Finance
Five Questions to Ask Yourself Each Month
Good personal finance comes from fantastic organisation, a sprinkle of discipline and of course following the golden rule: spending less than you earn. But you don’t want good personal finance do you? You want financial success! You’re a well oiled, number crunching finance guru on the hunt for opportunities that would make the bank’s savings… Read more
Best Personal Finance Apps
Keeping track of your finances can be a lot easier if you have an app to refer to while you’re on the go. Personal finance apps can log your spending and savings, allow you to access vouchers to save money while you’re out and about, record your debt status and even document meter readings… Read more
Beware of financial scams
I consider myself a pretty cautious person, when it comes to handling my finances and trying to keep my money safe. So you may be surprised to hear that I have been the victim of a few financial scams in spite of my caution. And even though I would never send my financial details… Read more
Cheapest ways to work out
Fitness and finance never seem to go hand in hand. As our wallets become lighter, gym memberships seem to become ever more expensive, meaning many of us don’t bother. However, in these times of financial hardship there are still places and ways to get a cheap workout, so you can maintain a healthy lifestyle and… Read more
New Year Lifestyle Checklist
New Year’s resolutions are a tradition, but sometimes trying to complete them can seem like a challenge. This year, why not take on some easy resolutions that are achievable and could make a big difference to your future? Use a lifestyle checklist like the one below to get your affairs in order. Finances After… Read more
People are less financially comfortable after the age of 34
A new measure of consumers’ financial comfort has found that 34-year old men are the most comfortable in the UK with those in their 70’s the least comfortable. The study,commissioned by Hitachi Personal Finance and co-authored by Peter Grindrod, professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford , combines economic data with research… Read more
Bad Credit Car Loans: Not as difficult as You Might Think
Everyone has serious financial decisions to make in life. Some people come unstuck when making them; it has certainly happened in the property market recently. You can get plenty of advice on the subject of finance but not everyone listens. Supposed experts did not see the last financial crisis coming and many people suffered… Read more
The Future of Giving
How many people regularly donate money to charity? I am currently planning a post written around how to integrate doing what you want to do and what you think you should do; so there will be more on this to come; but in the mean time here is some food for thought: I have been… Read more