You wouldn’t forget to include your rent or car payment in your budget, but chances are you are forgetting one of these items. These irregular payments can often be overlooked. While it may not be a big issue to work it into a budget for some, it could be a major inconvenience for others. Be… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: budget
How to Budget for FUN While Traveling
CC The average person can’t afford to just pick up one day and go on a vacation without notice. Most of us need to plan ahead, sometimes far in advance. We’ve all read the books and articles about how to save for a vacation cut out your daily cup of coffee, skip eating out at lunch… Read more
5 Ways A Meal Plan Saves Your Budget
How often have you walked into a grocery store with a budget in mind only to leave having spent nearly double the amount? It happened to me so many times until I figured out the solution. It may seem like a no-brainer, but having a meal plan works. Here are 5 ways a meal plan… Read more
Money Saving Budgeting Tips for Young Families
If you’re a couple with a young children, you’ll be able to appreciate that the costs involved in raising them can be expensive. Naturally, you’ll want the best for your children and will try your hardest to give them a comfortable and nurturing childhood, but sometimes we can struggle to do this financially. There are… Read more
Summer Vacation on a Budget
This is a guest post from my VA Clarisse. Let me know if you would love to guest post on Savvy Scot! S-U-M-M-E-R is already here and I just came home from a great vacation with my daughter, my younger sister and her BF. We decided to visit our hometown Cebu because it’s been almost… Read more
Spruce Up Your Home without Breaking Your Budget
You’ve been putting off redesigning your home for years, so why not put aside your excuses and get it done this summer? This is a great opportunity to find great savings and deals on beautiful decor and materials for renovating and redecorating your home. Here are a couple of ways you can do just that…. Read more
Best Personal Finance Apps
Keeping track of your finances can be a lot easier if you have an app to refer to while you’re on the go. Personal finance apps can log your spending and savings, allow you to access vouchers to save money while you’re out and about, record your debt status and even document meter readings… Read more
Making a first budget as a college graduate
Congratulations, you made it into the world with a fresh degree and a first job! Now the bank of Mum and Dad stops paying for your expenses and you are wondering how much you should budget for things? let’s break it down. Housing and bills With a new job, you are probably considering… Read more
For A Few Dollars Less — Visiting Florence on a Budget
If you want to experience a city that will melt your heart in moments, you should visit Florence. The capital of the Tuscany region is one of Italy’s most beautiful cities, the ideal destination for art and culture lovers all without breaking the bank. If you know where to look, on Florence city breaks… Read more
As Prince George turns one (22nd July), the world is inundated with images of a beautiful calm and well behaved little prince. But mums and dads know too well that behind closed doors, every toddler can wreak Royal havoc, especially in the home. In fact, damage by animals and children are a common cause of… Read more
Budgeting to be a guest at weddings
Weddings are expensive no matter which side of the fence you’re on. If you’re the bride and groom, you’ll need to set a budget to have a wedding. As a guest, sure you are getting invited to an awesome party and to free food and booze, but all the rest is yours to pay and it… Read more
Budget 2014: What It Means For Your Small Business
There was a lot covered when George Osborne recently revealed the budget for the coming year. But what does it all mean for your small business? Let’s take a look at a few of the relevant highlights: Grants For Small Businesses to Take On Apprentices “To make sure we give young people… Read more