It has been said that money cannot buy happiness. And while that is true because happiness is not for sale but is free of charge to everyone who has it in their souls, money does have influence in your life. And living can be a source of happiness, can’t it? So maybe money can’t… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: Money
Need to raise money for a project? Try Leetchi
I remember back when I was in high school, we were always trying to pool money for this or that. A girl’s birthday, a teacher’s gift at the end of the year, a school day out,… and more than once, there were tensions and problems. Like that time I had 10 friends pledge £10… Read more
Borrow, Borrow, Borrow: It’s What We Do — Oops!
Borrow, borrow, borrow. Most adults at some point in their lives borrow to make a big purchase or to stay afloat and for many of them debt becomes as comfortable as quicksand. Debt is one of the main drivers of the economy, allowing businesses owners to borrow to expand their companies and for consumers to… Read more
9 Tips On Saving Money While Moving House
Eventually you’ll have to move someplace else and usually the move will be expensive and tedious. Here are ten ways to cut the bills while moving to your new home. 1 – Close the deal quick Don’t waste too much time on negotiating and looking for buyers. There are a lot of service that will… Read more
How to Save Money Whilst in a Relationship
Relationships can be expensive! So expensive, in fact, that I think some people contemplate if they’re even worth it. For me, I must say they are worth it. I think relationships are so much more important than money. But even with that being true in my mind, that doesn’t mean you must spend blindlessly… Read more
10 “Bad” Money Habits and How to Get Rid of Them
One of the things that make bad money habits hard to break is that we don’t even recognize we have them in the first place. Just as with any other issue we may have in life, the first step to start improving it is to spot it and then turn it around. These 10 bad… Read more
10 Principles to Follow before Lending Money to Family Members
Lending money to family and even friends isn’t the most comfortable thing to do in the world. Sooner or later a family member who is in need may ask you for a loan. When this happens, you at first may feel in a weird position. On one hand, you may feel responsible about giving him… Read more
Retirement Pitfalls & How To Avoid Them
Everyone knows that, however much we plan for the future, things will inevitably occur that upset our carefully worked out strategies. The trick here is not to fall into the trap of thinking that there’s no point planning! However close or far away to retirement you are, there are pitfalls to avoid and positive… Read more
Making money with what you already have
One of my favourite ways to make money is by using things I already have. That means no start up costs, no fees, no risk. If you have a quick look around, you may ask yourself how you can possibly make money with what is around you, but with a little creativity you will… Read more
The Pros and Cons of Being Conservative with Money
Most financial books geared toward the needs of the general population are pretty conservative in their outlook. And they should be. Financial knowledge can be dangerous when you act on it without much experience. It’s the old “monkey with a handgun” scenario. Over-confident investors can lose all their money pretty quickly if they make aggressive… Read more
Why my one piece of advice on getting started with investing is meetinvest
A couple of weeks back, I stumbled upon an article on The Telegraph that featured a fintech start-up that helps ordinary people ‘invest like Warren Buffett’ called meetinvest. Being the curious cat that I am (and how it could potentially benefit all of you, my dear readers), I’ve signed up on the platform and would… Read more
A word about helping and gratefulness
Lately, I have lent my old car, a beaten up Suzuki Samurai from the end of the last century, to a couple of Airbnb guests. I have always been into sharing what I have, be it on Couchsurfing or Freecycle or just with random strangers. I am in a remote location and public transportation is… Read more