Nowadays, people tend to forget that pounds are made up of pennies. The pennies that you lose every day can add up to a significant amount someday that can help you pay for that trip that you have been longing to go, get you through an emergency situation, pay a long term debt, or even… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: saving
How Online Banking Can Save You Money
What is the difference between an online bank and online banking? Online banking is usually a service provided by your bank, where an online bank is a bank that has no offline presence. Whether you are using an online banking service provided by your bank, or opening a new account with an online bank, online… Read more
Here’s How to Make Saving and Investing Your Money Easy
Though they do realise the importance, quite a number of people find saving and investing their money rather difficult and thus they tend to keep putting it off. This is because most people think that one should have lots of money or a high level of financial knowledge before you can save and invest successfully…. Read more
Are you Saving Enough for your Child’s Future?
What kind of future do you visualise for your child? Do you hope they will learn to drive and buy a car, go to university, get married, and buy their own home? How often do you think about how much these things cost? As a parent, you might put money aside every month in… Read more
How Minimalists Manage to Get by on so Little (Whilst Saving Thousands!)
Minimalism is being quite popular with millennials. Maybe it’s because the word minimalism and millennial are so similar. I digress. There are many misconceptions about how to live like a minimalist. Many people believe minimalists live a life of depravity. However, modern day minimalists don’t live like Gandhi. In fact, they have anything they… Read more
Retirement Pitfalls & How To Avoid Them
Everyone knows that, however much we plan for the future, things will inevitably occur that upset our carefully worked out strategies. The trick here is not to fall into the trap of thinking that there’s no point planning! However close or far away to retirement you are, there are pitfalls to avoid and positive… Read more
Tips to Save Money When Buying Term Life Insurance
Let’s face it, life insurance isn’t the most exciting purchase that you will ever make, however, it is a very important one. Buying life insurance is the right thing to do for your loved ones. It offers peace of mind for you knowing that your family will be able to maintain their standard of… Read more
Eating Well and Saving? Yes, it’s Possible!
Eating well is important not just for our taste buds, but also for our health. Being sick is not just a bad feeling, but it also costs a lot, so it’s better to be avoided. Eating healthy can put a serious dent in our monthly budget, though, as fresh fruits and vegetables are quite costly,… Read more
Moneystepper’s 2015 Saving Challenge
Fancy a new challenge in 2015? Want to save more money and become wealthier? If you do, may have just the thing for you. The Moneystepper 2015 Savings Challenge is a free community where participants in the challenge are working together to accelerate their climb up the steps to financial freedom. So, how does… Read more
When spending less is more important than earning more
I have always said that when it comes to choosing between earning more or spending less, I am on the earn more side for a variety of reasons, which boil down to two points: You can always make more. If you have two arms and a sane mind, there are no excuses. You can make… Read more
My #thriftyfamily money saving tip: negotiate your bills!
Today, I have teamed up with Scottish Friendly to share a quick money saving tip as part of the #thriftyfamily, enjoy! I do it every year, like clockwork. One month before my utility or broadband contract expires, I shop around for a better deal. Then I call my current provider and see if they… Read more
Top 5 Money Saving Tips Bloggers Need to Know
To run a successful blog, there are important aspects that one must pay serious attention to. For starters, it is essential to have a blog because that is the only way one can enjoy the freedom to manage posts on the site. Having blogs hosted on third party websites can compromise their reliability considering that… Read more