Happy New Year! I hope you had a lovely holiday season and you are ready to kick start the new year with a bang. To help you do just that, I have put together a month long financial boot camp, with two tips per week and a call to action. Together, we will review several… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: utilities
EDF Blue + Price Promise doesn’t keep its promises…
Yay, you’re in for a mini rant today! I was asked to write a post about negotiating your utility bills recently (actually it is a video, so if you want to see how I should really better remain a writer, knock yourselves out!), and thought it would be a good time to practice what… Read more
My #thriftyfamily money saving tip: negotiate your bills!
Today, I have teamed up with Scottish Friendly to share a quick money saving tip as part of the #thriftyfamily, enjoy! I do it every year, like clockwork. One month before my utility or broadband contract expires, I shop around for a better deal. Then I call my current provider and see if they… Read more