Happy Monday everyone! This is a guest post from my V.A. Clarisse. Let me know if you would like to guest post on SS. Ever wondered why you’re still broke, even though you have a job and a salary? Keep reading! You don’t have savings. You have a bank account, but it’s always empty! It… Read more
Viewing category: Saving Money
How to Get Along Financially with Flatmates
A lot of people hate the idea of having flatmates. Or they’ve had bad flatmate experiences in the past. I’ve had about 20 flatmates if my lifetime. This following post shares my ways of making it great. You should want flatmates. They keep your cost of living much lower than without them. Decide Who… Read more
Treat Your Money like Employees
Instead of dollar bills, think employees. Each dollar bill you gain is another employee you gain. Dollar bills, as employees, allow you to make more money. I read an insane person’s comment on a YouTube video recently. The guy in the video just bought an Aston Martin. A lot of people in the comments… Read more
How to Justify Buying a Laptop
Technology can be pretty expensive. This is especially true if you’re buying an Apple product. But can it be justified? Absolutely. But this is only really true if you commute a lot. Let me explain. Commuting is an epic waste of time. I know it may feel like you’re doing something but in reality, you’re… Read more
How to Enjoy Driving an Older Car
To many people, driving an older car is embarassing. I understand that. Driving an older car can make you seem unsuccessful, sloppy, a has been, a child, an under achiever. But are these thoughts that race through your head actually real? Think about it. There’s a saying I’ve heard that goes something like this, ‘You… Read more
How to Avoid Becoming Too Frugal
You may be laughing at this title. You may thinking becoming too frugal is the least of your worries. You’re too busy partying and spending to even become a little frugal. But chances are, you’d like to become a little more frugal. And once you do so, an avalanche can occur. Yes, most people… Read more
Small Ways to Save While Traveling by Air
I recently took a trip across America. While doing so, I learned a few things about how to save money. The following post discusses the variety of small ways to save money while traveling by air. Let’s get saving: Booking Tickets Booking tickets doesn’t have to be a nightmare. My site of choice… Read more
Things You Can Challenge in Order to Get Your Monthly Expenses Close to Zero
Before reading this post, I need you to be in the right mindset. After all, you’re probably mad after just having read the title. Or you’re excited. If you’re excited, skip this paragraph. If you’re mad, hear me out… Think about life this way. When we are born, we require very little. We need shelter,… Read more
Here’s the Mindset You Need in Order to Start Budgeting
A common saying is, “Personal finance is more personal than financial.” That’s true of the budgeting aspect as well. Budgeting is not difficult in and of itself. It’s really just tracking expenses and making sure you’re not wasting money. That’s really easy. So easy most people just use a simple Excel spreadsheet to track their… Read more
How to Conserve Data on Your Mobile Plan
Data plans are pretty expensive. And the more data, the most expensive your plan becomes. The following post shows you how to conserve as much data as possible. By doing so, you’ll be able to be on a cheaper plan because you won’t be wasting any data. This information is even true if you have… Read more
Keep from Having to Upgrade Your Internet
Your internet is slow. But an upgraded plan is expensive. I get it. I’ve been there. Being that I’m online a lot, this was a problem. Being I like saving a lot, this was a problem. I’ve figured out many workarounds to a slow internet connection. The following post outlines virtually everything someone… Read more
DIY Projects You Can Tackle with YouTube
Do-it-yourself projects are an amazing way to save money. If you are willing to do these projects, you’ll likely never run low of funds. That’s because most of the money you make, you can keep. You won’t be constantly paying others to manage areas of your life. You can do it yourself. The following post… Read more