Cars are among the most useful things you can own, but they also account for some of the biggest expenses a household will face. There are, however, a number of steps you can take to cut the cost of car ownership significantly. Obviously, these will not completely eliminate expense, but they will often make it… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: buy
How accurate are grey markets?
By Patrick Foot, financial markets writer for IG As 2014 – which many are dubbing the ‘year of the IPO’ – rolls on, more and more technical terminology surrounding major market floats is appearing in news articles, blogs and reports. One such term is ‘grey market’, which many outlets tend to use to produce a… Read more
How does the Help to Buy scheme work?
Have you ever heard about the help to buy scheme? It is a government backed project that helps people buy a home. It divides in two categories, the equity loan and the mortgage guarantee. The folks at Barratt Homes have put together a nice infographic to help you understand everything better. Basically, you can get… Read more
London rents are so high it is cheaper to commute from… Barcelona
I read an article recently in the Daily Mail that covered the story of a young professional who ran the numbers and concluded it was cheaper for him to live in sunny Barcelona and take a FLIGHT to work four days a week than it was to rent a one bed flat in London! … Read more