Good morning everyone! This is a guest post from my V.A. Clarisse. Let me know if you want to guest post on Savvy Scot. Last week when I took a selfie, I noticed that I look very stressed and I even look older than my age! I was worried and immediately picked a mirror, I… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: benefits of exercise
3 Reasons Exercise Is Making You Fat
Calories in, calories out. Losing weight comes down to simple maths. Exercise seems like the natural solution when you’re trying to lose weight. Start moving and the pounds should fall off. Not necessarily. Sometimes starting an exercise program can have the opposite effect. You’re working your butt off but the scales are moving the wrong… Read more
Change Your Life Series – Step 1 Exercise
Back in February when I founded I wanted to help people make a change in their lives. That change could be a financial change, or it could be something else. While I don’t claim to know everything about money (in fact most of my knowledge comes from my interest in personal finance and what… Read more