To recap, the last 3 weeks we have been making small steps for a big change. If you are new to the Change Your Life series then I recommend you read these articles first:
Improve Your Appearance and Hygiene
Take a look at yourself in the mirror. Do you like what you see? Chances are if you think not exactly or I look OK then others are going to think that too – Do you want to be an average joe? Or do you want to be that memorable person that everyone wants to know?
Have a Haircut. Get a neat haircut. Get something that is manageable. If you like to get up at the last possible minute in the mornings (like me) then maybe shave your head – ladies get something that requires less ‘maintenance’. If you want to go for the latest style that accentuates your features then fine, but be prepared to put the time in each day to keep it that way.
Act on Acne. Don’t like your spots or bad skin? Chances are others don’t either. Just because nobody says anything it doesn’t mean they are not thinking it. Whether we are heterosexual or homosexual, we are drawn to attractive people. Like it or not, men would much rather do a business deal with an attractive man than a fat, smelly, spotty dude. Try creams, gels and treatments. Do research and see a doctor. Do something rather than nothing!
Stop Smelling. There is nothing worse than being the man or woman who is thestinky one. Like seriously! Haven’t heard people talking about it since school – maybe because you’re that person now! Take time to shower regularly and use deodorant. Take two showers a day if you need to. If you have a sweating problem, there are numerous products available to help. Change your clothes more often, wear your trousers a day less before washing them. If you smell nice, others will want to be in your company!
Smiling is Sexy. But not if you have bad teeth. North Americans; most of you can probably ignore this one. Europeans – YOU NEED TO BRUSH YOUR TEETH!! I have spent a couple of summers living in Texas and I know how American girls stereotype British people…They have bad teeth! Looking after your teeth is a priority.. especially if you want to stand out. Brush regularly and make sure you visit a dentist at least twice a year. Take pride in flossing. A bright smile and fresh breath is a lot more pleasant than the opposite!
Nurture Nails. This is a category I completely fail at. I will admit here for the first time that I still bite my nails. I absolutely hate that I do it, but I am addicted.. it is a habit. No prizes for guessing what I will be working on this week! Seriously though, I know first hand that it is embarrassing to have bad nails. I keep my fingers curled up most of the time. Trim your nails and keep them short. Ladies, if you are going to use nail varnish, make sure it is neat and cover the chips. You don’t want to look tacky. I just bought Mrs Scot a new Sensationail UV lamp kit as a present – it is quite remarkable how well she can do her own at the fraction of the cost of a manicure!
Other Oddities.You know what needs changing in you. Whether it is a bad habit or to shed a few pounds. Heck you might even need to put on a few pounds. Unfortunately the world is full of judgmental and subjective beings. Often it doesn’t matter how good you are or what soft skills you can bring to the table; if you don’t look the part, then you won’t fit in.
OVER TO YOU: What thing do you need to work on improving about your appearance? Comment below and share it with us. Writing it down may actually make you take action 😉
Have a great weekend folks 🙂
This post was featured on the Outlier Model, thank you!
A well-groomed and snazzy hairstyle is worth its weight in gold. I have been very satisfied shelling out for a more expensive cut, say a $75 plus haircut, rather than settling for a cheaper cut I feel disappointed in. I agree not to skimp out here–pay the extra dough for your distressed tresses!
Jennifer Lynn @ Broke-Ass Mommy recently posted..A Shocking Disclosure
Totally agree! Im sure it boosts most people’s confidence too 🙂
Once again you never fail to give me a few good laughs. 🙂
Seriously though, the one area I need to work on is weight loss. I want to be around to see my grandkids, Lord willing I have them, and losing weight will help make that more possible.
John S @ Frugal Rules recently posted..Frugal Friday: Posts That Ruled This Week, the BCS Edition #3
Cheers John! Good luck on the weight loss front… I am glad you can see the benefits and that you need to work on it – really that is half the battle 🙂
I want that jumbo toothbrush!
I always get a good laugh visiting Savvyscot. The first picture cracked me up.
I need to work on shaving. Sometimes I’ll go a couple days without it and I grow a beard in no time. It used to be weight loss, but I got into a cool workout routine to correct that… Swimming – does the trick in no time flat.
Jason Clayton | frugal habits recently posted..Five Ways to Help your Kids Learn about Money
Cheers Jason 🙂 !
Good effort on getting your weight down.. it’s probably one of the hardest things to do! Especially if you like food as much as I do! Swimming is an amazing all-round exercise.
I have to see your blog article reminded me that I am overdue for my haircut! Calling tomorrow for an appt to keep up with my appearance! 🙂
Ornella@Moneylicious recently posted..Betterment Interview with Jon Stein
Ornella! Glad it’s helped you in some way 🙂
Brushing your teeth and making sure you have a decent haircut are certainly things that will change your appearance. The nail thing isn’t as big of a deal to me, but I could be wrong. Thankfully for me I stopped biting my nails a long time ago…it was hard to break that habit as a kid!
Jason @ WorkSaveLive recently posted..Carnivals, Mentions, & Weekend Reading #35
Took me ages to stop biting my nails but did eventually and now my hands look fairly epic.
seriously though, first appearances are everything when going for meetings, interviews etc.
Good post.
Sterling Effort
I had my teeth straightened as an adult actually and it made me feel so good! 🙂 Super expensive though. Thank goodness for extended health plans…
CF recently posted..Updates: Oct 21 – 27
The value of self-confidence is greater than any money! Glad to hear a success story!
Too funny! Especially about the teeth. I’m so grossed out by bad teeth! They can be cooked, just not gross. The biggest thing I need to do is dress more put together, even though I work from home. I often run out to the store or run errands with my hair in a messy ponytail and sometimes sloppy clothes. You never know who you will run into.
Budget & the Beach recently posted..My Skype Job Interview
Glad you agree on the dental front.. I know where you are coming from with the clothing – whenever I work from home I don’t bother getting dressed smartly (or even at all) and I don’t think I get into the right frame of mind for working hard!
Excellent grooming tips. To which, as an ex-Marine, I would add one very important one: shine your shoes!
Hey Richard! GREAT addition – I completely agree!
I save a boatload of money every year by cutting my own hair with clippers. Well, specifically my girlfriend does the hard work, but still – it only cost $50 and I bought one that has a reputation for lasting. I now save about $200 a year and no one knows the difference!
James @ Free in Ten Years recently posted..The Secret Life of Early Retirement
Hey James – I do the exact same thing (or my wife does too 😉 ) I have been using the same set for about 2 years now and have saved 100s!
hahaha THANK YOU for preaching about good oral hygiene! Don’t bag on yourself too hard because TRUST me North Americans aren’t all they’re made up to be in their oral hygiene themselves, I know this to be fact since I work on them every day. Can we please mention that maintaining good oral hygiene isn’t just for appearance rather overall health?! People forget that the mouth is connected to the rest of the body and an infection in the mouth, if left untreated, will spread. Cheers!
Hey Catherine! Glad you agree… I’m very pleased to hear that not all N Americans have perfect teeth 😀 ! Great addition about the health side of keeping your mouth healthy. Are you a dentist?
and coming from a woman…long finger nails on a man are nasty.
Catherine recently posted..Weekly Reads: 26.10.12
Coming from a man.. they can be on a woman too 😉
I have a few smelly people per week who come in for eye appointments. I have to sit in an enclosed room for 20 minutes with them. Soap and deodorant are not expensive. First impressions are all you get sometimes. Might as well make the most of it. I dress and groom pretty nice for work, but look like a total slob if I don’t have anything I’m scheduled to do. I should make more of an effort to always look decent. You never know who you might run into.
Kim@Eyesonthedollar recently posted..Can’t Take My Eyes Off These Blogs #11-Pumpkin Edition
Don’t underestimate the head shave for the ladies! I shaved my head in early Nov to support a friend doing Chemo – love it (the BF, not so much! but he does like the wig!). It’s now at the fluffy stage – but it’s so much easier to keep clean (and keep my bathroom clean), as well as making playing sport and working out simpler. All that aside, I’m not sure I totally love my appearance, but my friends all think it looks better than my usual hair!
Hey Sarah… sorry for the delay in replying to you. That is AMAZING!! Kudos to you for doing that! 🙂 You made me laugh about the wigs!! I shave my head all the time (I know it doesn’t count) but it is SO easy as you say 😀