I recently read an article about someone who became a decamillionaire overnight. Now, of course he worked for years to get to that point. But he didn’t make much money at all. Then, another company bought his project – for over $10,000,000 (£6,957,804.40). He went from being near the poverty line to being very rich…. Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: spending
10 Reasons Why You’re Still Broke
Happy Monday everyone! This is a guest post from my V.A. Clarisse. Let me know if you would like to guest post on SS. Ever wondered why you’re still broke, even though you have a job and a salary? Keep reading! You don’t have savings. You have a bank account, but it’s always empty! It… Read more
Christmas spending tips
It’s that time of year again: when shopping becomes a national obsession. From parties and presents to food and festive outfits, whether you shop online or hit the high streets, the Christmas period is a time for spending. So, as Reuters reports that UK shoppers look set to spend a massive £1.4bn more this… Read more