Welcome to the carnival of financial planning! Enjoy those great posts, if you would like to submit yours for next week, that is right here. BUDGETING AND ECONOMICS Jester @ The Ultimate Juggle writes Does Technology Equal Productivity? – One of my new friends and I like to talk about new business ideas. The… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: Carnival of financial planning
Moscow is Over… The Carnival of MoneyPros
Happy Saturday one and all! As regular readers will know, I spent the last week in Moscow which is why there has been a complete lack of posts this week! I should have been a lot more organised, but given I spent last weekend partying in Latvia, my writing day on Monday was instead spent… Read more
Carnival of Financial Planning
As you read this I am frantically packing… Ahead lies a 4 day party weekend in Riga, Latvia before a week in Moscow… Busy times ahead. This has forced me to be quite proactive and actually write in advance. Lots of great posts below.. Enjoy! 🙂 BUDGETING AND ECONOMICS Kevin Giffin @ http://www.summernanny.com writes HOW… Read more
Savvy Scot does the Carnival of Financial Camaraderie
Happy Sunday everyone. The spammers have been out in force this weekend – I understand that numerous GoDaddy hosted blogs have been compromised. The hack basically involves spammers infecting the WP-INCLUDES folder with malware and leads to Google red-listing your blog. This is bad news for any blogger as it basically puts-off 99% of visitors… Read more
2013 Carnival of Financial Planning
It’s a big one today folks… Enjoy! 🙂 P.S. Do you like the picture I took out walking yesterday? BUDGETING AND ECONOMICS John S @ Frugal Rules writes Saving Money with Comparison Shopping – There are many ways you can save while shopping for various items. Comparison Shopping is one angle you can take to… Read more