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It’s that time of the week again where I review some of my favourite posts of the week in the blogosphere and reveal some stats about SavvyScot.
Firstly, I am pleased to announce the Five Winners of the Ouch! Personal Finance Book giveaway!
- Simon Collinge
- Gillian Holmes
- Jess Wilson-Dedrick
- Gemma Chamberlain
- Jeremy Biberdorf
Congratulations guys.. The publicist will be in touch to arrange shipping. Remember and let us know what you think of the book!
Stay tuned for a new giveaway this week.. something that has the potential to save you all a lot of cash! Not only do I have three to giveaway free, but this will save you a small fortune! Curious? Let’s have a look at some stats.
The most popular post at @SavvyScot this week was Starting a Blog in the UK – Part 2 – Domains, Hosting and More with 410 views.
Summary of Stats
- Average number of visits per day – 236 – a massive increase from 157 per day last week. Traffic was crazy this week – I had 323 visitors last Monday which makes it the most popular day to date!
- Alexa Rank – 202,299 down from 215,339. Narrowly missed out on my goal of sub 200k. Next week’s target is <195k
- Sterling Effort UK blog ranking – still standing at 11th, however this hasn’t been updated this week.
- Facebook Likes – around 600
- Twitter Followers – 25,536 – up a few hundred from last week
- Subscribers – 31 – up 3 from last week which is great news! I have also added a new subscribe widget which is more user friendly than the one at the bottom of the page. Hopefully this will speed up the growth slightly!
The stats show continued growth of SavvyScot. I finally got round to writing part 2 of the Start a Blog series and managed to fit in the time to comment on a lot of my friends blogs; making up for my poor show last week!
The moment you have all been waiting for….
Top Posts This Week
How is an Item Shipped from One Country to the Next Smoothly? – Modest Money
Jeremy discusses some top tips to consider when arranging shipping. Given the UK is quite small, this is not something that I have thought about too much before. That said, with the continued growth of e-commerce is will soon be relevant to everyone!
Are Credit Cards Really that Bad? – Frugal Rules
John writes about some of the benefits of using credit cards. This nicely reinforces my post ‘When Credit Cards can get you Out of Debt‘ – glad to have a like-minded blogger on side!
Rental Property Series: Finding Hidden Treasure – Eyes on the Dollar
Kim talks about how she recently had some good luck and found some hidden treasure in her new rental property… I won’t spoil the surprise!
Is Gambling Really Worth it? – Objective Wealth
Drew discusses the rush and addiction with gambling. Something that I can completely relate to and a vice of mine. A nicely constructed argument with a strong conclusion – highly recommend a read!
6 Vital Questions to Ask Before Becoming a Freelancer – Careful Cents
Considering making that massive leap from stable employment to become a freelancer. It would be a good idea to ask yourself Carrie’s questions first to decide that it is really for you!
How to Make Your Own Sushi – Reach Financial Independence
If you are a regular reader of the Sunday Review, you will know that I like to include some non-finance posts. Pauline gives an overview of how to make your own Sushi – a much cheaper alternative than buying it! I will have to try this some time!
Is Marriage All About Money? – Moneylicious
Ornella questions the real purpose of marriage in the modern world and discusses some financial incentives to tie the knot!
What we can Learn from Donald Trump – Young Adult Money
DC and I seem to have a lot in common; especially our love for The Apprentice! That said, the UK apprentice is a program looking for a new hire for Lord Alan Sugar, whereas the US version for Donald Trump. DC combines all of Donald Trump’s books and gives a neat review in the form of 6 tips! Don’t have the time to read the books? Read this instead!
Why Being Out of Style is Cool – Club Thrifty
Holly writes about the advantages of not following the latest fashions… what more can I say – I totally agree!
An Adventure on Two Wheels in Laos – The Fearful Adventurer
Some beautiful pictures and good writing. Makes me want my motorbike back and to go on holiday. This blog helps me to remember why I work… to get to visit these places!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend guys!
Thank you for the mention! Your stats are impressive, keep up the good work! Some people feature giveaways with extra entries if you subscribe to their RSS feed, maybe an option to increase your numbers?
Pauline recently posted..Are you kidding me??? Grandpa wants an Iphone 5!
Thanks Pauline and for the Tweets! I have now hosted 3 back-to-back giveaways and have slowly increased my numbers up from about 10! Getting there slowly. I have a new giveaway starting this week so hopefully I can crawl up towards the 40 mark!
Great work! Your blog stats are a huge inspiration to me. It’s always good to see people who put in effort get well rewarded.
Keep up the good work.
Glen @ Monster Piggy Bank recently posted..Throwing a Party for Football Finals Weekend
Hi Glen – Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words!
Thanks for the mention. Glad to see your blog is taking off. You deserve it.
Kim@Eyesonthedollar recently posted..Can’t Take My Eyes Off These Blogs #7
Thanks Kim – you are welcome as always
Thank you so much for the mention! Your blog is doing great. I really should start tracking stats of my own like this.
Have a great week!
Holly@ClubThrifty recently posted..The VIP Club – Weekly Roundup 5th Edition
Thanks Holly! – You should do that, I would be interested to spy on the competition 😉 – Have a good one too
Thanks for the mention! Have a great Sunday!
Ornella @ Moneylicious recently posted..SpringCoin Unveils New Debt Negotiatior Tool
Cheers Ornella – hope you enjoyed yours too
Hey thanks the mention and feedback Scotty, great stats too. You might like to keep an eye on Objective Wealth early in October too… 😉
Drew @ ObjectiveWealth recently posted..The Best For Wealth – Reason Or Faith?
Thanks Drew! Oooh what is going on there?
Thanks for the mention Sir! We need to start a movement now. 🙂 Looks like you’re going in the right direction with your stats, great work!
John S @ Frugal Rules recently posted..How to Easily Determine Your Risk Profile