Make no mistake about it, these are financially difficult times to be forging your way in life. Extortionate education costs, sky-high rents, eye-popping property prices… the list goes on, and, needless to say, it’s easy to see how a cycle of debt can perpetuate itself over the course of our lives. One thing it has… Read more
Viewing posts tagged with: Debt consolidation
Ways To Consolidate Your Debts
As household debt continues to rise, at the same time as many household incomes are flat lining, there is increasing concern about how many people can meet their existing debts. Unemployment and falling incomes also mean that there is more danger of many people accumulating further debts, to cover every day living expenses. Clearing debt… Read more
The 25 Year Growth of Average Wages
There are numerous reports on how the average wage has varied in the UK over the last 25 years. Let’s take a look at the following infographic: The above infographic shows us how wage increases have varied by percentile of earners over the last 25 years. The graph essentially shows that top earners pay has… Read more