Everyone has their own idea of what is good value and what is overpriced when it comes to shopping. Given that there are no set prices in life for anything, price perception is a very subjective matter. Where I might think that it is fine to spend £5 on a good quality shampoo (I don’t by the way… I shave my head) you may think that is ridiculous and will grudge spending even £1 on the cheapest possible brand. You might think that spending £40 on a haircut is perfectly acceptable, whereas I might think that that is a rip-off and will cut my own hair.
We each value different things in different ways. The word ‘expensive’ is actually based on opinions that we have formed from our experiences in life.
While I think that we all have different price perceptions on most things, I am certain that most people will agree on one thing:
Razorblades are freaking expensive!!
Here in the UK you end up paying about £2.50 for a single good quality blade.. and that is with a frugal mindset in action, shopping in bulk. I die a little bit inside every time I shed out £10 for four replacement blades. I usually include this purchase amongst a big shop to reduce the impact that a single item has on the total cost! I accept that there are cheaper alternatives (disposables etc.) but the benefits of decent blades justify the increased cost: I have quite sensitive skin and I want to look good for work with a close shave. The problem is that blades can start to feel dull after only a few shaves! The price of razorblades has been grinding my gears for far too long… £2.50 for a few pieces of metal… I mean come on, seriously… how much do they cost to manufacture? Surely this is a massive money maker for everyone involved in the process. I think I proved this point to myself when I noticed recently that it is often cheaper to buy a new razor with a ‘free’ replacement blade than by the blade cartridges on their own! Madness!
There is an Alternative!
Imagine then, my excitement when a company called Razorpit contacted me, asking me to test their new product. Such a simple concept, Razorpit is a device that cleans and sharpens your razor with the use of a special friction pad. This removes unwanted residue, skincells and keratin from the blades following your shave and leaves them looking and feeling new!
When I first heard about the product, I have to admit that I was slightly skeptical – I questioned why nobody had come up with this idea before (perhaps I was a little jealous that it wasn’t my idea)! After using the product for the last week, I can honestly recommend it to anybody – My only muse is that I am a little gutted to have thrown out so many blades that could have been reused
Razorpit’s research has indicated that some customers are saving up to 90% per year on purchasing blades, while the average statistic is around 60%. With over 300,000 units sold to date, it clearly works!
You Wouldn’t Throw Away Dirty Dishes; Would You?
Do You Want One For Free?
The good people at Razorpit have given me three units to giveaway to readers and they will ship worldwide! Ladies, this one is for you too! All you have to do is follow the instructions below to enter.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tongue firmly in cheek here – cos the legs won’t see daylight for another 6 months up here in snowy Scotland (yes really)
Elaine Colliar recently posted..Friends and Winners
Hahaha! You literally have me in stitches Elaine!!
Just calling it as it is hon – calling it as it is LOL
I completely agree! I hate spending money on blades because they last such a little time. This sounds like a great idea. On a side note, I too shave my head as I hate spending so much money on a haircut.
John S @ Frugal Rules recently posted..How to Save Money and Not Spend $300K Raising a Child
Good man! Maybe we should take the frugality a step further and look into selling our hair…. Jokes
Sounds like a great product. I’m pretty cheap with buying new razorblades. So I end up using them until they’re pulling at my facial hair and needing multiple passes to get the job done. Right now I’m even using some disposable razors that I happened to get for free somewhere.
Jeremy @ Modest Money recently posted..Tax Implications Of Running A Blog
I think you could benefit well from one of these then my friend! Good luck
What a cute idea! I want one
That is a really good idea!! I definitely want a free one =)
Holly@ClubThrifty recently posted..Working as an Employee…and Making the Best of It
Thanks Holly – fingers crossed for you!
savvyscot recently posted..How to Save Money on Razor blades
Great idea !!! I love this. Razorblades are always something that I HATE to spend money on, but inevitably do because I couldn’t stand to go without some quality ones!
Gillian @ Money After Graduation recently posted..A spouse is not an alternative income stream
Another person who shares my resent!! Good Luck! 🙂
savvyscot recently posted..How to Save Money on Razor blades
Not to mention the additional savings to be had by ditching fancy shaving gels, foams and oils in favour of good old fashioned soap! I stopped using them about a year ago – turns out I get a closer shave and fewer cuts with soap…who would’ve thought that?!
Drew @ ObjectiveWealth recently posted..Blog Nod Of The Month: October 2012
This is true.. Would be a great follow-on post! I always forget about conventional soap. Maybe I will give this a shot. If I am totally honest I have lost touch of what a bar of soap costs these days, but I will be willing to bet it’s about a tenth of the cost of some of the products on the market!
savvyscot recently posted..How to Save Money on Razor blades
I do think razorblades are way too expensive. I think my husband goes through them like water. (He shaves his head too, good company) I have tried to get him to use them longer, but maybe I see his point now. I can use a razor for a year, but certainly don’t use one every day. I’d love to try this out.
Kim@Eyesonthedollar recently posted..Rental Property Series: How Much Did It Cost?
Glad you see his point.. poor guy 😉
savvyscot recently posted..Too Rich to Care
I’m willing to give it a try!
Joe @ Retire By 40 recently posted..Read About My Favorite Retirement Calculator: FIRECalc
Good man!
savvyscot recently posted..The Sunday Review – Top Posts of the Week
Losing my job. I’m in sales and slow quarters fill me with dread.
Gemma Mills / Chamberlain recently posted..Another short hiatus whilst we move house
Like most people, getting old and not having enough savings.
Luckily, my half asian side keeps me from going through razors too quickly. I think I’ve been on the same bottle of shaving cream for 2+ years now, no joke. Either way, I’m sure I’ll hit puberty one day 🙂
Harry @ PF Pro recently posted..Upgrading Your Smartphone: My Switch From the iPhone 4 to the Samsung Galaxy S3
HAHAHA! I actually read this reply in bed on my phone first thing this morning and nearly wet myself!! 🙂
Not having enough money to put food on the table
Not being able to pay the mortgage because of redundancy
Another option is to buy a safety razor for a couple of pounds and shave the old way. Blades cost just pennies on amazon.
Richard recently posted..The game is afoot!
Good point actually… That said I am not sure that would end well for me!
My greatest financial fear would be not being able to pay the mortgage. Razor blades are a silly price, like electric toothbrush heads, they’re a rip off too!
Thats a biggy! Glad you share the view on the rip-off nature of blades!
I’ve been using a straight (cut-throat) razor for a while now and although it took a while to learn, I love it now. It takes a bit longer to shave but now I view shaving as an enjoyable experience rather than a daily chore. Good soap and brush add to the experience too.
What’s really great is I’ll never need to buy a blade again 🙂