What do you imagine when you think about the future of credit cards, or payment methods in general? I remember when flashing a code with your smart phone was considered an odd occurrence you would only see in Japan or South Korea, and yet now it allows you to pay for some products directly with your phone. When I think about the future of credit cards, I see no credit cards at all. This infographic from Virgin Money talks about fingerprint sensors as a way to eliminate the need for a PIN code, but I see them as a way to eliminate credit cards once and for all. Actually at my bank, they have fingerprint sensors so you do not have to provide proof of ID if you want to withdraw money. It is great for people who can’t write or elderly people who have a hard time holding a pen. And there is no room for mistakes or fakes, only your fingerprint will give you access to the funds. What if one such sensor was installed in a shop and used as a mean of payment, directly linked to your bank account? No need to swipe a card anymore. The same would go for eye recognition or voice control, another possible option of the future this infographic mentions. As someone who loathes waiting in line at the supermarket with a passion, I could perfectly imagine how a laser would scan the exact content of your cart, and then your eye for ID and instant payment. There you are, out of the supermarket in a few seconds!
I’ll let you dream about more ways the credit cards of the future could make our lives easier, enjoy!