Hello world!!
London has been experiencing a strange heat wave. It has been high 20s (C) for the last week and I am LOVING it!!
It is strange how some heat and sunshine makes everything different. The streets, parks, buildings and sky is totally transformed. Everyone’s spirits are lifted and smiles appear on faces. If I lose myself for a moment, it is easy to imagine that I am abroad. Even as I write this post, the window is open behind me, with a warm breeze blowing in. Why can’t it always be like this?
We have been to 3 BBQs this weekend and boy have I caught the bug again! 🙂 I have had a great weekend of good food, good company and lots of cycling. Mrs Scot and I ventured on a peaceful 6 mile cycle up a canal yesterday and another along the Thames today. London really is pretty in the sunshine. Not only is the cycling a great way to bond, but we are getting good exercise; or really justifying the lavish food! 😉 NOT to mention a great meal of Haggis last night (missing my roots) 🙂 Has anyone tried Haggis?
I was given a £50 voucher for John Lewis recently (an upmarket dept. store) which can also be redeemed at their (upmarket) grocery store. We would not normally shop in such an overpriced (actually never), but we treated ourselves to some nice desert, cheese and oatcakes. We have had such a chilled out weekend!
Our honeymoon / holiday is also just around the corner; NEXT weekend!! 🙂
That’s right – in 6 days time we are flying off to Roatan – an island in the carribean which belongs to Honduras. Two weeks of diving with Sharks, Dolphins and exploring the unknown. I can’t begin to describe how much we are both looking forward to it! Mentally, I am already there, so this week at work is going to DRAAAAGGGG!!
The amazing adventure will certainly give me some inspiration for summer posts.
Adding to the fitness front, I have been training for the JP Morgan London run. It is 5.6KM long – I am aiming to do it as close to 25 minutes as possible. I did it in 28 mintes 10 seconds on Friday, so I will possible attempt to break that tomorrow afternoon. I am not the biggest fan of running, but it should be fun on the day!
Reader Question:
What is your dream holiday vacation and what would you do there?
Mine might well be Roatan – I would choose a place that is quiet, under-developed and free from ‘standard’ tourists. A place where the local culture is apparent and the sun shines brightly. The sand is white and the water crystal clear and teaming with fish. To me, this is paradise!! 😀
I know why the weather can’t be like that all the time…because you live in London 🙂
I’ve been getting the BBQ bug lately too. The problem is that I had to get rid of my rusty BBQ before I moved into my apartment a few months back. So now I’ve been heading to friends’ houses each weekend to get my fix.
That’s awesome that your honeymoon is so soon. Sounds exciting. I’m not really sure what my dream vacation is. I really love Australia when I went there. Someday I’d love to check out New Zealand, but I also want to do the whole European tour sometime too.
Modest Money recently posted..Putting Your Health Before Your Finances
Sounds like your are having a great time. Congrats on the great weather and the BBQ.
I also enjoy a good long bike ride. We went to a nice castle a week ago and it was a long ride through wooded trails. Great experience to have.
david recently posted..AAPL Stock Commentary – Pre Market 5-24-2012
Totally agree – it never gets boring 🙂
Hope you have a great time in Roatan. We are headed there in a month, it cannot come soon enough!
Erin recently posted..Surviving Miami Beach
Amazing – The first person I have spoken to that even knows where it is!! Where abouts are you going there?
You probably picked the perfect honeymoon spot. I wish I had known how to travel 10 years ago when we got married 🙂
I have a couple friends who have hit it on a cruise, but like you, most folks have never heard of Roatan. We will be just between Sandy Bay and Half Moon Bay. Oh, let me know if you are interested, I have a link to the dates the cruise ships stop in Roatan if you want to plan accordingly (meaning what days to avoid the touristy spots).
Will have to watch here for a trip report, might be right before we leave.
Hon – if you want weather like that you are going to have to move a great deal more “south” than you have already.LOL
The Sun has even been out up here and it does lift the spirits that’s for sure -everyone comes out and gets moving.
As for “Dream Holiday” – I am already programming to take my boys to visit Bali (a place felt immediately at home) – only this time I would like to combine it with a little work so that our cost is neutral. Well a girl can dream!!
[email protected] recently posted..Three of the Best?
Bali is on my list too – Was looking at the price of flights there today 😀 – What kind of work?