Christmas is a time when even the most disciplined of savers can be tested to their limits. Kids can be very persuasive in getting what they want; from expensive toys to the latest video games, it is sometimes too easy to give in. After all, we don’t want our kids to feel hard done by or be the odd one out… do we? Especially when all their friends are getting what they want; we don’t want to be seen as not caring enough about our children to buy them the coolest gifts. It is quite ridiculous really.
What makes things worse is that the expectations are so high on the amount of money that should be spent. Hundreds of pounds are gone in a heartbeat; like it’s the norm. Why would one gift not suffice? How can we teach our kids the value of money if we spend it like we don’t understand it either.
It is not just kids that lead us to spend a little bit extra at Christmas; the peer pressure and social conformity cause us to buy unneeded gifts for so many people. Do the neighbours really need a bottle of wine, or would a hand written card with a personal message be more meaningful? Do the kids teachers really need a gift or would a hand-made gesture be appreciated more instead of a stereotypical box of chocolates. I wonder what stands out when the teacher takes them all home? These ‘customs’ are so unnecessary!
The Food is Makin’ me Fat
How many times have you heard people complaining about how much weight they have picked up over Christmas? I mean goodness me, we just need to look at the trend of how many gym memberships are taken out in January – driven by a feeling of guilt to work off the Christmas gut.
The process is detrimental: You spend too much money on food, only to pick up weight and feel bad about yourself – which leads to spending money on a gym membership to work it all of.
What’s the alternative? How about we don’t go quite so crazy on the Christmas food and wine – spend a little bit less, eat a little bit less and save a lot more!
January Blues
So we have talked a lot about goal setting via the Change Your Life Series. January is widely regarded as the most depressing month. The days are cold and dark, people have put on weight and have to go back to work and they are often broke. Well here’s a head up folks. Don’t give in to those extra presents – your kids can only appreciate so many toys. Giving more does not make you a better person. Take the time and make the effort to write some personal messages in your neighbours cards. And finally, save yourself some extra work in January and lay of the food and drink. Just because Christmas is a time for eating and sharing time with family – it doesn’t mean that you need to eat like a pig everyday! Chances are, you have extra time off – why not use a day or two to go for a run? Avoid the stereotypes this Christmas folks and make sure you have enough money left over at the end of the month in December.
How do you manage your money at Christmas?Do you find yourself tempted to spend over the period?
We actually have a budget we use for Christmas. We pull out cash throughout the year and when time rolls around for us to shop we’ve got the cash right there.
John S @ Frugal Rules recently posted..Taking The Plunge is Not Just For Polar Bears – Part 1
As always – a true role model 🙂
That is a great idea. Your play of “Christmas Club” accounts.
Thad recently posted..5 Tips To Save Money By Using Shopping Sites
Thanks Thad!
I might steal this idea for next year.
DC @ Young Adult Money recently posted..Online Strategies for Holiday Shopping Bargains
DO it 🙂
Here, here. My wife and are giving less toys and stuff that will just get thrown in the closet and giving more experiences. Basketball tickets for our son and horse riding lessons for our daughter.
Kyle James | recently posted..Frugal Hack #2: Christmas Shopping with the Kids
I am with you on this one Kyle! Experiences all the way (with a photo or video to relive it forever)!! 🙂
I’m always tempted to overspend, because I just love giving my family gifts and seeing their faces. But the thing that helps me is setting a budget and sticking to it.
I also struggle with this… but then I try and tell myself that it is actually still me being selfish. I am getting pleasure and satisfaction out of others reactions – it is almost like I am spending to feel good about myself in a different way! There is a balance to be had I think 🙂
savvyscot recently posted..Avoiding Stereotypes at Christmas
Well I should’ve read this earlier in the month. I’ve already started to indulge in too many holiday treats. I just have so little willpower when it comes to sweets. I might’ve gone a little overboard on spending too, but I didn’t have many people to buy for and I am making more money these days.
Noooo!!! There is still time to slow down on the treats! Get yourself into a gym routine and stick to it! If you have the money then why not?! 😀
So true! Christmas debt or Christmas weight gain is a gift no one wants in their stocking! We have a holiday budget to keep us on track. We also “adopt” a family every year. It’s really helped my girls appreciate how much they already have.
Shannon @ The Heavy Purse recently posted..A Holiday Survival Checklist: 5 Tips to Keep You Sane & Debt-Free this Holiday Season
Well said!! What did you buy for your adopted family?
We have a budget for Christmas and stuck to it (which I can confidently say since we’re done shopping minus 2 cards for grandparents) I’m super proud of us actually, we owned that budget! I agree though, it’s crazy how we eat ourselves into a coma then come January realize what we’ve done!
Catherine recently posted..$100.00 Giveaway!! When There Isn’t Enough Money at the End of the Month
Kudos to you Catherine! Very proud of you… no food babies this xmas! 🙂
This year we definitely spent more but it was within our budget. My mother called me to say that she received her package and was so happy as she wasn’t expecting anything…too cute…of course she’s gonna get something even if I can’t share the holidays with her in person 😉
K.K. @ Living Debt Free Rocks! recently posted..Sunday High Fives!
Awww! It’s a great feeling surprising somebody- every time!!
I am making an effort to not spend more than what my budget has allotted. I am on track to stay in my budget, but the month is not over and the new baby might throw a wrench in my budgetary plans whenever he comes.
Debt Roundup recently posted..The “Trying To Make Ends Meet” $100 Giveaway
Babies = ££££$$$$$$$!!!! Me not ready yet!
Christmas is pretty cheap for me as I am still in the “kids” category at home, having no children and my parents and grandparents alive, they do not expect me to buy food or anything, and my presents list is restricted to close family members.
Pauline recently posted..What to do if there isn’t enough money?
I dread to think how much more expensive our Christmas will become when we have kids…
My wife and I buy sensible gifts. Some of my co-workers think that it’s funny that we don’t spend $1,000 on each other at Christmas. It really drives me nuts.
They don’t seem to realize that we don’t have to worry about not having money in January to pay our bills.
Justin@TheFrugalPath recently posted..Pay Yourself First: How to Save Money Without Trying
Good man Justin – we are the same! We have a limit, but only buy things that we actually need!! You are right though… everyone is else is playing catch up for Q1!!
We draw names in January and we buy for one person in the family. It makes life much easier and we have all year to shop. As for the eating, I agree. If we all eat in moderation it may help not having to buy memberships to gyms etc although I’m a big fan of keeping fit you don’t need a gym to do it! Great post mate! Mr.CBB
Canadianbudgetbinder recently posted..Too Many Bills Not Enough Money Each Month-$100 CASH GIVEAWAY
MR CBB! What an amazing idea – giving yourselves extra time is a much better idea than cramming the expense into a few weeks! Thanks for the Kudos 🙂
I love that graphic! It can be really hard not to overspend at the holidays. I try to save all year for the holidays so I don’t blow my budget and get myself in trouble come the first of the year.
KK @ Student Debt Survivor recently posted..5 Reasons Women Deserve to Make Less Than Men
Thanks! 🙂 Good for you… now let’s try and teach others to do the same!
I hate when people use December as an excuse for whatever behavior they let get out of control. Christmas is one day. Why take a whole month to pig out, drink too much, and spend all the money? It should be a resolution to not need a resolution.
Kim@Eyesonthedollar recently posted..Paycheck to Paycheck is No Way to Live/$100 Giveaway
THIS IS EXACTLY what I am talking about Kim!! 🙂
I just got back from my in-laws and I literally gained 4 pounds in 4 days. Yuck. It always happens! They are the worst food wasters in the universe and it makes me crazy!!!
Holly@ClubThrifty recently posted..Confessions of a Cheap-Ass Santa
That sucks when that happens – I know just how you feel – it is rude to refuse food after all 😉
I’ve definitely been tempted to overspend but so far I’ve resisted the temptation to over eat. I’m looking at Christmas as a time to get lots of extra workouts in, hopefully that’ll combat all those Christmas dinners.
V Proud Jordann! It is so easy to fall out of exercise routine… yet so easy to keep it up 🙂
We’re going out to eat this Christmas and New Years so the portions will be fixed 🙂 No left overs, no January blues haha.
Veronica @ Pelican on Money recently posted..Powerful Lessons Learned in Starting an Online Store (Part 2)
Veronica… that is a FANTASTIC idea!! We did this last year (we were flying to Thailand to get married shortly after) and it worked a treat 🙂
Completely agree ! People way overindulge, including myself at times. Not this year ! I’ve been working out, kept spending low and plan on eating a bit less (aka not everything in sight).
Gillian @ Money After Graduation recently posted..Financial Planning for 2013
I just need to practice what I preach now too 😉
LOL! very similar to what I posted! I couldn’t agree more. And more than likely people don’t take off the weight they put on in November and December.
Budget and the Beach recently posted..10 Ways to Keep Your Holiday Season Simple