Hopefully everyone had a good weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed watching Scotland smash the Italians in the Six Nations Rugby! 🙂 I also managed to get a couple of runs in for my upcoming Tough Mudder events later this year!
For those of you who didn’t catch the news, together with 2 other UK personal finance bloggers, I have the pleasure of hosting a £300 giveaway! One lucky winner will receive £300 in cash (equivalent to >$450) and you have until the end of the month to enter. Bit of a no-brainer really 😉
Jules Wilson @ Faithful With a Few writes Would You Be Willing To Move To Another Country – My wife and I would watch this show sometimes and think about whether we could really pick up and move to another country. I couldn’t imagine going about my life in the U.S. and then waking up one day and trying to find a home and establish a new life in a new place.
Will @ Card Guys Blog writes Don’t sunburn your credit card – This is the time when many people in northern areas start planning to head south for the winter. The problem many people face is that they have still not paid off all the Christmas expenses. But a mid-winter or late winter getaway does not have to break the bank.
Penny Thots @ Penny Thots writes Made in China? – I discovered that there’s even a difference in the quality of products we receive here in North America that are made in China and the quality of products that Chinese people have to choose from – that are made there in China. A friend of mine has hosted numerous high school students from China and one of these students pointed this out. I believe this is what helped me decide to try and avoid these products because it bothered me that the companies receiving these products are complacent
Alexis @ FITnancials writes Where I Find Motivation – Many people ask me what made me want to start my healthy journey and where I get motivation. Here are a few tips to get started.
Robert @ Kids Ain’t Cheap writes Introducing Solid Foods – Individually baby foods are not super expensive, but if you consider how many jars you’ll buy over the months that your child will eat non-table food it adds up!
Joe @ Midlife Finance writes 5 Ominous Signs That Your Elderly Parents May Need Help – When your parents live further away, it’s easy to forget that they’re changing, too. Eventually, they may need more help than you’re aware of right now. How can you tell?
Jason Hull @ Hull Financial Planning writes Preventive Medicine Costs Less Than Reactive Medicine – In this article, we examine how much it costs to go to the gym and eat healthy throughout your lifetime rather than have to pay for the medical expenses which come later as a result of living an unhealthy lifestyle.
Jen @ Master the Art of Saving writes Saving Up Money To Pay Cash For A Car – So how in the world am I going to be able to save that much money in such a short time? Well, I’m not certain that I will, but I’ll definitely give it a go. Here’s my plan:
Michelle @ Making Sense of Cents writes How To Start A Blog – Tips for a Beginner – I receive e-mails nearly everyday (and most of the time multiple times everyday) about blog tips and how to start a blog. I will say this now, I do not consider myself an expert in making a blog at all. That’s pretty much a given right? I have made many mistakes and have now decided that I will make a weekly series on having a blog and tips (and also mistakes).
Lazy Man @ Lazy Man and Money writes Lazy Man’s 2013 Super Bowl Review – The Super Bowl and the weekend is over… I’m not going to let it go that easy. It’s always been my stance that with the exception of Independence Day, there isn’t one day that unites America more than the Super Bowl. Even people that don’t like football tune in to see the half-time show and the commercials.
David Bar @ Bar Whiz Blog writes Things That Drive Your Bartender Stark Raving Mad – The tiresome heroes behind the wood who, day in and day out, happily sling our drinks have seen it all, and unknowingly many of our drunken personality traits can drive them stark raving mad. Here are just a few of them.
Alice @ Hurricanes, Panties & Dollars writes Saving on Inebriation & 10 Money Themed Drinks – I love to drink and have a great time, but if you’re drinking at bars—it can add up faster than a stripper can spot a $100 bill. That’s fast!
Serena @ Spillerena writes Engagement Pictures Are Awkward – An essay about the awkwardness of taking engagement photos, with humorous photos match.
David Leonhardt @ Self-Help Happiness Blog writes Time to Say Goodbye – A little opera-like music from Chantalyne to warm a February evening.
Miss T. @ Prairie Eco Thrifter writes Frugal Valentine’s Day Dates – Being romantic requires a lot of thought, but not a lot of money. Here are some great ways to show your partner that you love them on a budget:
Everything Finance @ Everything Finance Blog writes Is There a Catch to “Switch and Save” Cable TV Claims? – Cable TV and internet are a major expense for many of us yet Blake Sanders of comparison site Broadband Expert tells us millions of us are over paying by as much as $1,200 every year. Blake shares some tips on how you could slash your bill by switching to a new provider.
Glen @ Parenting Family Money writes Fun, Frugal Valentine’s Day Ideas for the Whole Family – Valentine’s Day is fun for the whole family, but it doesn’t have to be expensive. These are some frugal Valentine’s Day ideas that the whole family enjoys.
Lance @ Money Life and More writes Am I Crazy? Not Taking the Optimal Financial Path May Be the Right Decision – As a personal finance blogger I often pressure myself to make the best financial decisions possible so I can be a good role model to my readers. However, at times I feel like I need to do something I want rather than what makes the most sense financially. Read on to see what has been occupying my thoughts all week.
Glen Craig @ Free From Broke writes Should You Break Up With Your Credit Card? When to Move On – Just like a relationship that isn’t working for you there comes a time when you should break up with your credit card. See when it’s time to move on.
Dividend Growth Investor @ Dividend Growth Investor writes Should dividend investors hold on to Abbott (ABT) and Abbvie (ABBV) following the split? – On January 1, 2013, Abbott Laboratories split into two companies, one which retained its name Abbott Laboratories (ABT), and another named Abbvie (ABBV).Since both companies have not had a chance to operate for long periods of time, I would simply hold on to my position.
Mike @ Personal Finance Beat writes The Latte Factor: Making My Own Iced Coffee – I outline a real-life example of the “latte factor”, wherein I cut back on my near-$3 daily Starbucks coffee to net me over $700 a year in cash savings!
Jen @ PF Carny writes Steps to Determine If You Are Ready to Open Your Own Business – If you are working for “the man” at a 9 to 5 job, you may dream of nothing more than venturing out on your own and being your own boss. This is the true American dream, and in this age of the Internet, it has become a reality for many people.
harry campbell @ Your Personal Finance Pro writes An Argument for the Social Security Program to Continue – There are very few programs in the US which are understood less than the Social Security program. You’ll hear a lot of mis-information about Social Security. “You’ll never get what you put into it!” “I’ll be lucky to get anything.” So on and so forth. The mis-information you hear contributes to giving the Social Security (SS) program a bad rap. I contend, however, that there is not better bang for your buck than the SS program – especially after adjusting for risk.
Chris @ BudgetWays.com writes How To Save Money With Cheap Car Insurance – Most people spend at least a thousand dollars on car insurance, and if you have kids or multiple cars, you’re probably spending at least twice that. Learning how to buy the right type and amount of coverage, while applying for discounts is essential to saving yourself a few hundred dollars a year with cheap car insurance.
Gary @ Gajizmo.com writes Easy, High Paying Jobs – Not everyone gets to have their dream job, but if you are looking for a fun, high paying job with no real work, let us know if you find one, outside of collecting unemployment. Otherwise, here is a list of fun and easy jobs that pay well – better than most people would expect.
Simon @ Your Wealth Planners writes Dealing with Debt – An IVA may be the Answer – February can be a depressing month as it is without having to worry about debt on top.
Mary Rhodes @ Fine Tune Finances writes Is There Such Thing as Good Debt? – “Debt” is a word many of us have learned to fear. But having debt, to a certain degree, is not always a bad thing. There is such thing as good debt versus bad debt, and you may be in a position to put your mind at ease if your debt falls into the positive category.
MMD @ My Money Design writes Is the Conventional System to Create Wealth Rigged? – Is following conventional financial advice a rigged game? There’s got to be a better way to create wealth beyond simply saving for the next 30 years!
Evan @ My Journey to Millions writes Do You Consider Little Increases When Making Monthly Subscription Decisions? – I am in a constant fight with cable companies, cell phone companies, and most other monthly fees I am forced to pay. Granted they may not know we are fighting, but trust me, we are. Other than the internet I don’t feel like I ever get enough utility or satisfaction from most monthly services so any increase bothers me.
Jason @ Live Real Now writes Make Extra Money Part 1: Introduction – Today, I’m re-launching a new series on how I make extra money online. Over the course of the series, I’m going to show you how to take advantage of multi-million dollar market research to choose a niche, at no cost to you.
Sean @ One Smart Dollar writes What is a Currency War? – Most people have never heard of a currency war or are not fully aware of what it really is. By understanding the concept you will be able to understand how it can affect your investments.
Little House @ Little House in the Valley writes Planning a Waterwise Landscape – Indulging and motivating myself to save money for a house by browsing fabulous landscaping plans, I’ve come across some terrific ideas for waterwise gardens and yards. I live in an arid region, so saving money on a water bill is important.
Brad @ Structured Settlement Quotes writes Money Problems $999.99 Cash Give Away – Last month we hosted our first giveaway here at StructuredSettlement-Quotes.com. This month we continue the giveaway contest series by announcing the launch of our $999.99 cash giveaway. This contest will run until the end of February 2013.
Girl Meets Debt @ Girl Meets Debt writes Making My Cash-Back Credit Card Work for Me – Now I know what you are all thinking…I must be crazy to want to start using my credit card again after being so irresponsible with it in the first place but you know what? I am finally at a place in my life where I feel confident that I can and will use credit sensibly.
Greg @ Club Thrifty writes My Credit Score: Why I Don’t Care and You Shouldn’t Either – Worried about your credit score? Don’t be. The credit score is one of the most deceptive tactics that lenders use to control your behavior. Here’s why.
Jules Wilson @ Fat Guy,Skinny Wallet writes Would You Believe More Car Trouble? – I’m sitting here at my mechanic’s shop once again. Yes, my car has overheated again!
Alan Webster @ 401kcalculator.org writes Your 401k Limit Is More Generous Than Ever – Your 401K limit is as high as it’s ever been. This post looks at how the 401k limit has changed compared to the rate of inflation
John @ Card Hub Blog writes Ask the Experts: Where Do We Get Our Spending Habits From? – Are our spending habits learned, and if so, from where?
Lynn @ Wallet Blog writes Punting your Cable TV Bill – You can cancel your cable and fill the void with alternative TV-entertainment options While this is not an exhaustive list, it might meet your entertainment and budgetary requirements.
Mr.CBB @ Canadian Budget Binder writes Financial Advisors 101~Get The Inside Scoop – Know the right questions to ask your financial advisor so you are an informed investor. You are in charge of your personal finances so ask the right questions to get the answers you need to make informed decisions.
NoTrustFund @ Where’s My Trust Fund writes Creating A Budget – Create a budget using the balanced money formula
Matt @ Dividend Monk writes The Comprehensive Guide to Index Funds – A detailed article that covers the various aspects of index funds.
JC @ Passive-Income-Pursuit @ Passive Income Pursuit writes How getting laid off was the best thing for my finances – Going through what brought me toward the goal of reaching early financial independence and keeping track of my finances.
Deacon @ Well Kept Wallet writes 5 Habits of Broke People – According to Websters Dictionary, the word “broke” means penniless. While there are people who have no money because of misfortune, there are many people who are broke because of their habits. Here are five habits of broke people that you should avoid if you want to become wealthy some day.
Edgar @ Degrees and Debt writes Saving Money on Gas via Shopping Programs – How to use shopping programs to save money on gas
Glen Craig @ Free From Broke writes How to Blog and Make Money – 5 Ways to Use Your Blog to Make Money – You’ve heard the stories of those who blog and make money. But how do they do it? Take a look at five ways you can use a blog to make money.
Marie at FamilyMoneyValues @ Family Money Values writes The Downside of Wealth – You think “If I just had more money, everything would be OK”. Past a certain point, however, more money can be more trouble than fun. Being wealthy is not for the feint of heart. You need to understand the things that can go wrong when you have lots of money, so you can learn how to avoid them! Here are six.
Mandy @ Money Master Mom writes 5 cheap Valentines Day Gifts I’d like to receive – Valentines Day doesn’t have to be expensive. Often an economical, yet thoughtful gift is more appreciated than an expensive one.
John S @ Frugal Rules writes 5 Fun and Frugal Last Minute Valentines Gifts For Her – While it might seem counterintuitive, it is possible to buy something for the woman in your life on Valentine’s Day and be frugal at the same time. By studying your loved one, you can find a gift that they’ll love.
Tamar @ EasyRecipes101.com writes Chinese Vegetable Soup – Easy, health, and tasty – chinese vegetable soup hits the spot when you’re craving a healthy meal.
Canadian Budget Binder says
Cheers mate for hosting and including CBB in the carnival. Have a great night.
savvyscot says
Any time – cheers dude
Tony@WeOnlyDoThisOnce says
Awesome carnival! Can’t wait to read a lot of these great posts. Thanks, Savvy!
savvyscot says
Cheers Tony 😀
John S @ Frugal Rules says
Thanks for hosting & including me sir!
savvyscot says
Any time! 🙂
Edgar @ Degrees and Debt says
Thanks for hosting and including me!
savvyscot says
Mary Rhodes says
Sounds awesome to win a few quid, great idea! Many thanks for adding me to this weeks roundup!