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I am delighted to announce that I am hosting my first BLOG CARNIVAL:
Ok, maybe it’s not that kind of Carnival but it’s a great way to add new blogs to your feed.
Welcome to the 22nd edition of the Lifestyle Carnival! Submit your blog article to the next edition using the carnival submission form.
Blog carnivals are a great way of getting links and traffic into your blog. As a relatively new blogger, I regularly submit popular posts from SavvyScot to other carnivals to try and boost traffic and get the name known. Now it’s my turn to help some people out by hosting. The following posts made the cut:
CAPI @ Creating a Passive Income writes 4 Steps to Declaring your Passive Income to the IRS – Do you know the tax implications of making a passive income? Here are four steps to declare your passive income streams to the IRS.
Tushar @ Finance TUBE writes Top 5 Financial Websites for Mothers – Today we will talk about the top 5 financial websites for mothers. With high divorce rates and single mother hood, women are often lucked with full responsibility of the entire households. Fortunately there are now many internet websites to cater the women’s weak financial needs. Our Families Our Future: http://www.ourchildren-ourfuture.net/default2.aspx.
Mo’ Money Mo’ Houses @ Mo’ Money Mo’ Houses writes Just Frickin’ Jump on a Plane Already Jessica! – Have you saved up enough money for your next backpacking trip to Asia but feel reluctant to actually spend that hard earned money on a round-trip airline ticket? Yeah, me too.
Steve @ Canadian Personal Finance writes Free Your Budget With These Simple Tips to Reduce Credit Card Debt – If you are like most people, you probably have a credit card or two (or three, or four) sitting in your wallet or purse. In fact, the average Canadian carries a total credit card balance of over $3,200 at any given time. While this may not sound like a lot, credit card interest payments, fees, and penalties can eat at your monthly budget, making it difficult to save money or put it towards other more worthwhile expenditures. These tips will help you effectively put a credit card debt reduction p
Lance @ Money Life & More writes 5 Reasons We Won’t Separate Our Finances When Married – When I eventually get married to my current girlfriend we are going to combine our finances. It is what makes sense to us and what will work best for us. We could decide to keep our finances separate but we have our reasons why we won’t. So why are we so against us keeping separate finances?
Shilpan @ Street Smart Finance writes The Salary You Want for Your Happiness – Have you ever assigned a dollar value to your happiness? A study from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School concluded that $75,000 in annual salary is the tipping point for your happiness. Albeit I respect research from an Ivy League school, the street smart approach is always to leave no stone unturned to find the truth. If $75,000 is not the magic number, what is the salary you need to make for your happiness?
Paul Vachon @ The Frugal Toad writes How to Save for a Home Down Payment – If you are planning to buy a home, you know it takes a lot of money. However, it takes a lot of planning as well. Here are some things to consider when saving money for a home, and what you need to do to get your finances in order so that you can afford a home.
Jacob @ I Heart Budgets writes How The Latte Factor Works In Real Life – The latte factor is a great idea in theory, but how does it work out in real life?
Some new blogs in there for me too – See you tomorrow for the Sunday Review!
Nice carnival man
Thanks for hosting and including us!
Paul @ The Frugal Toad recently posted..Streamlining Finances to Streamline Your Life
You are most welcome Paul!
Woohoo! Thanks for the inclusion 🙂 Now…time to go buy that coffee…. 😉
Jacob @ iheartbudgets recently posted..Cloth Diapers vs. Disposables: Cost Comparison
Pleasure Jacob!