These days, many businesses choose to become greener, not only for environmental purposes, but also to differentiate themselves from their competitors, and offer their customers a greener option.
While some green alternatives are actually more expensive, but can result in an increase in business, attracting customers who would otherwise not consider your product, there are also ways you can save money, for example by reducing your energy consumption.
Below are a few ideas of green improvements you can bring to your business.
Hire out green companies
A way for you to become more environmentally friendly is to hire out companies that are already green. For example, for your data protection and shredding needs, Datashredders recycle 99% of their shredding.
Some delivery companies will use electric cars, while many airlines will offer you to offset your carbon footprint on your next flight.
The same way you will be trying to contain your costs while becoming green, many companies consider the extra costs a part of their charity or improved image efforts, and won’t pass them onto the consumer, so you will pay the same price for a greener service.
Cut back on energy and waste
A lot of your business’ consumption goes to waste. It can be printing too many sheets for the next meeting, a leaking faucet in the break room, lights staying on all night… Reducing that won’t have an impact on your business, or on your employees’ well being, only on your wallet.
You can print and frame reminders so people print only the bare minimum or turn the light off when leaving a room, or have a staff meeting to teach people how to go paperless.
That same way, you can offer a discount to customers paying via direct debit and receiving their invoice via email, which will reduce your paper usage and save you a bit in tracking invoices as well. Having your business cards printed on recycled paper doesn’t cost much more and makes them look special compared to other companies.
Use LED and CFL lights
While they are more expensive to buy, LED and CFL bulbs last much longer and use a lot less energy than traditional bulbs. After a few months of saving on your energy bill, you will make back your initial investment. There are online calculators that can help you figure out the savings.
Use your equipment longer
Instead of automatically updating the computers every two years, try to expand that frame to three years, or even four. A computer cleanse can help gain processing speed and won’t cost as much as replacing them. Find a company that will recycle them or trade them in for newer machines.
The same goes with office furniture and machines. You can buy some of it used and not only save money but also reduce waste.
Get creative with transportation
Encourage your employees to use the Cycle To Work scheme. Have a fleat of hybrid cars, or use bicycles for local deliveries. With a flashy ad on the bike, the extra time spent on the delivery (if any, considering you can pass traffic and don’t need to park) will bring you local recognition.
Once you have gone through these steps and your business is more environmentally friendly, don’t hesitate to include it on your website or marketing brochures. This is something your customers will appreciate, and hopefully as you go, you will see a positive impact on your revenue.