Running your business successfully depends on many factors. Offering a fantastic service or a fantastic product is just one of them. But there are many other things to think about, whatever industry you are in. Successful marketing, the managing of your finances and keeping down core costs all play a part. So too does insurance. It’s imperative that you and your business are safeguarded against any problems that could affect your overall monthly profits. Here is a rundown of some of the most important types of insurance cover to think about, and how they could help.
Contents insurance
Contents insurance is absolutely essential. Whether you own and operate an office, warehouse, restaurant or any other business you will want to make sure that all of your content and stock is covered against accidents. These could range from fire to theft, but any damage or loss of stock could really affect not only your ability to run your business in the short term but also cause a big dip in profits should you have to spend a lot of money replacing things. With contents insurance this will never be a worry.
Building insurance
Similarly, building insurance will cover your actual building and any damage that might occur to the structure itself. Again, if you run a restaurant, pub or small hotel this is absolutely vital. Repairs to things such as drains, broken windows, walls or ceilings can take a lot of time, money and also disrupt the flow of business. With building insurance you can rest easy knowing that any damage to your place of work will be repaired quickly with minimal disruption to service, and save you a great deal of money in the process.
Commercial van insurance
If you run a business which depends on the daily commercial transporting of goods (such as a builder or a landscape gardener) then van insurance could be a smart move. Over time commercial vehicles may become worn down, damaged and in serious need of repair. With van insurance this will be done quickly at no additional cost. The best part about it is also, like the two above services, the fact that you will receive a free courtesy van while you wait and not have to turn away any potential business. Check out van insurance quotes online to see how much money you could save in the long run.
Personal liability
Personal liability insurance protects you while you’re on the job from any mishaps or accidents that may occur to another person’s property. If you knock down a wall or drainage system by accident and a member of the public seeks compensation against you, you could stand to lose a lot of money. With personal liability insurance you’re covered for anything that might happen.
Mike@WeOnlyDoThisOnce says
Personal liability seems to be absolutely crucial, and yet is often ignored because people dislike the notion of becoming another statistic, i.e. thinking it could never happen to them.