I think you can tell a lot by looking at a person’s wallet. Like a watch, or how they dress, it is a very personal item, and a lot of very important things are inside, be it a credit card or a picture of a loved one. Mine is really bulky and for as much as I tidy it up, it always go back to messy in a matter of hours. I manage a lot of cash, more than I would like to, but very few stores in my town accept credit card, or when they do, they charge you about 5% commission fee which I am not ready to pay. And when you pay cash, if the bill is too big, they often have to run to the store next door and get the change for you. Then I have multiple currencies, just in case, but I have solved that problem by having different wallets for different currencies.
The team at Nigel O’Hara has put together this infographic about how to slim your wallet, and they share a few nice tips to help you do so. Such as trying to get rid of coins or storing them separately. I always use a separate little pouch just for coins, and it does make for a much lighter wallet. Scroll down to check the infographic for more tips!